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Bible student, Bible believer, a son, a friend, an encourager, a teacher-helper, pastor-helper

Thursday, September 18, 2014

5 stones to help us face our giants

1.The stone of the PAST. 
Don't you have some victory that you can remember that give you courage for facing the challenge of the present.

2.The stone of PRAYER. 
Don't face your giants without first facing GOD.
Go down on your knees before you go up to fight.

3.The stone of PRIORITY. 
What matters in life, the priority of life is the NAME OF GOD.

4.The stone of PASSION.
Typically, we run away from our problems.
Don't run any more! Don't run backward, run forward! Tackle your giant with GOD's help.

5.The stone of PERSISTENCE. 
Sometimes, we need to be ready, we need to be persist.
One effort is not enough, we got to stay at it, we got to keep going, we got to keep trying.
We do know this, in time, that giant will come down.
NO giant is too big if GOD is YOUR GOD.
Face your GOD and your giants will fall but focus on your giants and you will.

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